Who gets jock itch?
Men are more likely than women to get jock itch, but that's just a function of anatomy. Men have more folds of skin in their groins that can get irritated and may harbor infections. Dermatologists say they've seen an increase in patients with jock itch because of the increasing girth of many Americans.
"When people are overweight or obese, they often have problems with skin rubbing against skin or clothing and getting irritated," says dermatologist Bruce Robinson, MD, a clinical instructor at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. Overweight or obese people also typically have more deep folds of skin where moisture and heat can build up.
How is jock itch treated?
Fortunately, most cases of jock itch can be treated with over-the-counter remedies and a little common sense. "It's fine to treat the symptoms yourself at first to see if they go away," Rohrer says. Here's how:
After showering or bathing, dry the irritated groin area by gently patting it with a towel. Be sure to dry your skin thoroughly.
Apply a 1% hydrocortisone cream and then zinc oxide ointment to prevent chafing and ease irritation.
Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing to avoid chafing.
If your symptoms don't go away within a couple of days, try applying an antifungal lotion, spray, or gel. Prescription-strength antifungal medications have become available over the counter, making it easier to treat jock itch yourself, Robinson says. "But It's important to give antifungal products time to work," he tells WebMD. "Even if the rash and itching go away, continue applying the antifungal for four weeks, to keep the fungus from coming back."
If your symptoms don’t improve within a week or get worse, see your doctor immediately. You may have a bacterial infection that requires an antibiotic treatment.
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